Event: Dormance : art nature autochtone
Event: Dormance : art nature autochtone in Sherbrooke organized by Guy Sioui Durand. Saturday October 7, 2023.
Commitee member of the Wendake art center Ahkwayonhkeh
Commitee member of the Wendake art center Ahkwayonhkeh
Event Yä’ata, art total autochtone
Event: Yä’ata, art total autochtone between the 26 and September 30, 2022 at Université de Sherbrooke
Independant commissioner for the exhibition Kakakew, imaginaires ensauvagés
Independant commissioner for the exhibition Kakakew, imaginaires ensauvagés
Exhibition : De tabac et de foin d’odeur
Exhibition : De tabac et de foin d’odeur at Musée d'art de Joliette, February 2 to May 5, 2019
Independant art commissioner between 2008 and 2023
Independant art commissioner projects between 2008 and 2023 by Guy Sioui Durand
Event : Yä”ata contes d’hiver and exhibition in Sherbrooke
Event : Yä”ata contes d’hiver and exhibition in Sherbrooke organized by Guy Sioui Durand in Sherbrooke.